Buy Local, Buy Aussie 7 Strategies to Engage and Retain Aussie Clients




Table of Contents

  1. Capturing the Aussie Consumer: Local Business Insights
  2. Personalisation: The Key to Client Retention for Australian SMEs
  3. Building Loyalty: Australian SMEs' Approach to Retaining Clients
  4. Leveraging Technology in Australian SMEs for Client Capture and Retention
  5. Feedback: An Underused Asset for Australian SMEs
  6. The Human Touch in the Digital Age
  7. Education: Elevating the Customer Experience

Buy Local

6min 45 secs

Aussies love to buy local when they know what’s out there. Navigating the expanse of the Australian SME landscape, one quickly discerns a universal truth: acquiring a customer is a feat, but retaining them? That is a wise choice. In the bustling cacophony of brand messages vying for attention, how do you ensure that your voice isn’t just heard but eagerly awaited?

When every customer is a story, let’s make yours a bestseller.


1. Buy Local, Understand the Aussie Psyche

To resonate, you must first comprehend. The Australian consumer isn’t just looking for a service or a product; they’re seeking a true personalisation, true customer experience.

Buy Local, Local Love: Australians exhibit a deep-rooted appreciation for local businesses. Accept and flaunt your Australian heritage with pride, it truly means something to your audience.

Straight Talk: Aussies value transparency. Ensure open communication channels and honest dialogue.

2. Personalisation: Not Just a Buzzword

In an era where consumers are bombarded with generic advertisements, a personalised touch stands out.

Tailored Recommendations: Utilise AI and analytics to provide recommendations that are tailored to the needs of the customer.

Bespoke Communications: Ensure every email or message feels like it’s written expressly for them, even when it’s automated.

3. Loyalty: The Aussie Way

Loyalty isn’t just about points and cards; it’s about community.

Local Events: Organise or sponsor local events. It enhances your community presence and demonstrates commitment.

Exclusive Deals: Offer exclusive deals or insights to your loyal customer base, making them feel like part of an inner circle.

4. Technology at the Forefront

Digital savviness isn’t a choice; it’s a necessity.

Seamless Digital Experiences: Whether it’s a website visit or a mobile app interaction, ensure it’s glitch-free and intuitive.

Engage on Socials: Platforms like Instagram and Facebook aren’t just for posting. Engage, respond, and cultivate a thriving online community.

5. Feedback: The Goldmine Often Ignored

In the quest for customer retention, feedback isn’t just valuable; it’s the compass directing your journey.

Actively Seek Feedback: Don’t wait for customers to come to you. Use surveys or direct engagements to glean insights.

Adapt and Evolve: More importantly, let your customers see that their feedback is instigating tangible changes.

Feedback isn’t just words; it’s the roadmap to excellence.

6. The Human Touch in the Digital Age

In the heart of every transaction is a human connection.

Empathy Over Script: Train your customer service to respond with understanding rather than robotic, scripted answers.

Tell Your Story: Every brand has a narrative. Share yours. Whether it’s the story of your inception or the community causes you support.

7. Education: Elevating the Customer Experience

Transform customers into brand evangelists by empowering them with knowledge.

Workshops and Webinars: Organise sessions that add value. It could be related to your product or the broader industry trends.

Informative Newsletters: Instead of sales-driven content, consider sharing knowledge snippets or industry news.

When you educate a customer, you don’t just retain; you inspire advocacy.


Conclusion: Crafting Legacies in the SME Landscape

In the dynamic realm of Australian SMEs, retention isn’t a linear journey but a mosaic of experiences, emotions, and engagements. It’s about encouraging your audience to buy local and buy from you while weaving a tapestry where every thread, whether it’s technology, personalisation, or feedback, contributes to a larger, captivating narrative.

Looking to etch indelible imprints in the minds of your clientele? Join hands with Click Click Media and let’s pen an unforgettable customer journey together!

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Kirana Education
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Crown Forklifts
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Click Click Media have transformed the way we work with our digital media. They provide a very solid and transparent service with incredibly knowledgeable people who are always available. Results speak for themselves and our digital marketing increase can be directly attributed to the work undertaken since June by Click Click Media. Highly recommended.
Kevin Peters
1300 Smiles
We've been working with Click Click for over 5 years now. They've created 6 of our sites and manage all of our SEO. Every project has been delivered exactly to our requirements and they let us work exactly how we want. They remove all the jargon and have become an integral extension of our Marketing team, I cannot recommend them highly enough.
Sarah Gonzalez
Redback Conferencing
Click Click Media make for a great one-stop-shop when it comes to online marketing. With their knowledge of SEO, SEM, Adwords and web design, Click Click Media come highly recommended.
Michael Burford
The team at ClickClick Media are always so helpful and extremely good at what they do. I had several issues with web developers until I came across ClickClick, they are honest and very fair with their pricing. After setting up an awesome landing page they then setup an ad words campaign that literally saved our business. There after sale service is second to none. Looking forward to using Click Click for all my future online projects. Thanks to Ben, Rik, Adriel & the rest of the team
Leon Wills
Lamb Finance
We’ve had several different marketing teams before coming across Click Click Media and were never quiet satisfied with the process or the outcome. Until we started working with Click Click Media, Ricky and his team are amazing at what they do and deliver exactly what they say they would and beyond! From website to SEO management and to SEO work! We are in really good hands. We have never been this satisfied with such an outstanding work, communication and great outcome from a marketing company. Thank you Click Click Media!
Alessandro Poon
Sydney Paws Pet Doors
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Darren Kerr
Appleseed Gardening
Sydney CBD
Level 35, Tower One International Towers
100 Barangaroo Avenue, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia
Level 35, Tower One International Towers
100 Barangaroo Avenue, Sydney,
NSW, 2000, Australia
Lakeside Corporate Centre
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Norwest NSW 2153
307, 29-31 Solent Circuit
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